Now-a-days almost all 3rd party software require Microsoft .NET Framework installed in your system. The required .NET Framework version might be different for different software and the most required .NET Framework version is 3.5 which comes preinstalled in Windows 7.
If you are using Windows 8, you might face a problem while trying to run a program which requires .NET Framework 3.5 version. Windows 8 doesn’t come with .NET Framework 3.5 version. It comes with the latest .NET Framework 4.5 version preinstalled.
Whenever you try to open a program requiring .NET Framework 3.5, you get following message:
An app on your PC needs the following Windows feature:
.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
There are 2 buttons given to install the .NET Framework version or to skip the installation. If you decide to install it, Windows tries to connect to Internet to download the setup files of .NET Framework 3.5.
That’s strange because Windows 8 setup contains .NET Framework 3.5 setup files but still Windows tries to connect to Internet. It would have been better and easier if Windows 8 installed the .NET Framework 3.5 without Internet connection just like it does for other Windows components such as Media Center, Internet Explorer, etc which can be installed or uninstalled using “Programs and Features” applet in Control Panel.
If you don’t have an Internet connection or if you don’t want to waste time and bandwidth in downloading the setup files, here is a way to install .NET Framework 3.5 offline in Windows 8.
Today in this tutorial, we’ll tell you how to install .NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 8 without any need of Internet connection. You can install it offline with the help of a single command. This method requires Windows 8 setup disc or ISO file so make sure you have Windows 8 setup files with you.
So without wasting time lets start the tutorial:
1. First you’ll need to copy Windows 8 setup files to your hard disk. If you have Windows 8 setup ISO copied in your system, you can mount it by right-click on it and select “Mount” option or you can extract its content using 7-Zip.
If you have Windows 8 setup disc and don’t want to copy its content, its ok. Just insert the disc in your CD/DVD drive so that Windows can access its content.
2. Now open Command Prompt as Administrator as mentioned here and then provide following command:
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:F:sourcessxs /LimitAccess
Here “F:” represents the CD/DVD drive letter in your system which contains Windows 8 setup disc. Replace it with the correct drive letter according to your system.
If you extracted Windows 8 setup files in a directory, replace F:sourcessxs with the correct path.
3. As soon as you execute the above mentioned command, Windows will start installing .NET Framework 3.5 in your system and it’ll not require Internet connection.
It’ll take a few minutes and you’ll get a message that the operation completed successfully.
4. That’s it. Now you have installed .NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 8 without using Internet connection.
However, if you dont have Microsoft.NET 3.5 setup files you can download it from here
This method has been provided officially by Microsoft in a KB article here…
Source : AskVG
Source : HighlyScalable
NoSQL databases are often compared by various non-functional criteria, such as scalability, performance, and consistency. This aspect of NoSQL is well-studied both in practice and theory because specific non-functional properties are often the main justification for NoSQL usage and fundamental results on distributed systems like the CAP theorem apply well to NoSQL systems. At the same time, NoSQL data modeling is not so well studied and lacks the systematic theory found in relational databases. In this article I provide a short comparison of NoSQL system families from the data modeling point of view and digest several common modeling techniques.
I would like to thank Daniel Kirkdorffer who reviewed the article and cleaned up the grammar.
To explore data modeling techniques, we have to start with a more or less systematic view of NoSQL data models that preferably reveals trends and interconnections. The following figure depicts imaginary “evolution” of the major NoSQL system families, namely, Key-Value stores, BigTable-style databases, Document databases, Full Text Search Engines, and Graph databases:
NoSQL Data Models
First, we should note that SQL and relational model in general were designed long time ago to interact with the end user. This user-oriented nature had vast implications:
On the other hand, it turned out that software applications are not so often interested in in-database aggregation and able to control, at least in many cases, integrity and validity themselves. Besides this, elimination of these features had an extremely important influence on the performance and scalability of the stores. And this was where a new evolution of data models began:
The rest of this article describes concrete data modeling techniques and patterns. As a preface, I would like to provide a few general notes on NoSQL data modeling:
This section is devoted to the basic principles of NoSQL data modeling.
Denormalization can be defined as the copying of the same data into multiple documents or tables in order to simplify/optimize query processing or to fit the user’s data into a particular data model. Most techniques described in this article leverage denormalization in one or another form.
In general, denormalization is helpful for the following trade-offs:
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases, BigTable-style Databases
All major genres of NoSQL provide soft schema capabilities in one way or another:
Soft schema allows one to form classes of entities with complex internal structures (nested entities) and to vary the structure of particular entities.This feature provides two major facilities:
Embedding with denormalization can greatly impact updates both in performance and consistency, so special attention should be paid to update flows.
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases, BigTable-style Databases
Joins are rarely supported in NoSQL solutions. As a consequence of the “question-oriented” NoSQL nature, joins are often handled at design time as opposed to relational models where joins are handled at query execution time. Query time joins almost always mean a performance penalty, but in many cases one can avoid joins using Denormalization and Aggregates, i.e. embedding nested entities. Of course, in many cases joins are inevitable and should be handled by an application. The major use cases are:
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases, BigTable-style Databases, Graph Databases
In this section we discuss general modeling techniques that applicable to a variety of NoSQL implementations.
Many, although not all, NoSQL solutions have limited transaction support. In some cases one can achieve transactional behavior using distributed locks or application-managed MVCC, but it is common to model data using an Aggregates technique to guarantee some of the ACID properties.
One of the reasons why powerful transactional machinery is an inevitable part of the relational databases is that normalized data typically require multi-place updates. On the other hand, Aggregates allow one to store a single business entity as one document, row or key-value pair and update it atomically:
Atomic Aggregates
Of course, Atomic Aggregates as a data modeling technique is not a complete transactional solution, but if the store provides certain guaranties of atomicity, locks, or test-and-set instructions then Atomic Aggregates can be applicable.
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases, BigTable-style Databases
Perhaps the greatest benefit of an unordered Key-Value data model is that entries can be partitioned across multiple servers by just hashing the key. Sorting makes things more complex, but sometimes an application is able to take some advantages of ordered keys even if storage doesn’t offer such a feature. Let’s consider the modeling of email messages as an example:
Applicability: Key-Value Stores
Dimensionality Reduction is a technique that allows one to map multidimensional data to a Key-Value model or to other non-multidimensional models.
Traditional geographic information systems use some variation of a Quadtree or R-Tree for indexes. These structures need to be updated in-place and are expensive to manipulate when data volumes are large. An alternative approach is to traverse the 2D structure and flatten it into a plain list of entries. One well known example of this technique is a Geohash. A Geohash uses a Z-like scan to fill 2D space and each move is encoded as 0 or 1 depending on direction. Bits for longitude and latitude moves are interleaved as well as moves. The encoding process is illustrated in the figure below, where black and red bits stand for longitude and latitude, respectively:
Geohash Index
An important feature of a Geohash is its ability to estimate distance between regions using bit-wise code proximity, as is shown in the figure. Geohash encoding allows one to store geographical information using plain data models, like sorted key values preserving spatial relationships. The Dimensionality Reduction technique for BigTable was described in [6.1]. More information about Geohashes and other related techniques can be found in [6.2] and [6.3].
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases, BigTable-style Databases
Index Table is a very straightforward technique that allows one to take advantage of indexes in stores that do not support indexes internally. The most important class of such stores is the BigTable-style database. The idea is to create and maintain a special table with keys that follow the access pattern. For example, there is a master table that stores user accounts that can be accessed by user ID. A query that retrieves all users by a specified city can be supported by means of an additional table where city is a key:
Index Table Example
An Index table can be updated for each update of the master table or in batch mode. Either way, it results in an additional performance penalty and become a consistency issue.
Index Table can be considered as an analog of materialized views in relational databases.
Applicability: BigTable-style Databases
Composite key is a very generic technique, but it is extremely beneficial when a store with ordered keys is used. Composite keys in conjunction with secondary sorting allows one to build a kind of multidimensional index which is fundamentally similar to the previously described Dimensionality Reduction technique. For example, let’s take a set of records where each record is a user statistic. If we are going to aggregate these statistics by a region the user came from, we can use keys in a format (State:City:UserID) that allow us to iterate over records for a particular state or city if that store supports the selection of key ranges by a partial key match (as BigTable-style systems do):
SELECT Values WHERE state="CA:*" SELECT Values WHERE city="CA:San Francisco*"
Composite Key Index
Applicability: BigTable-style Databases
Composite keys may be used not only for indexing, but for different types of grouping. Let’s consider an example. There is a huge array of log records with information about internet users and their visits from different sites (click stream). The goal is to count the number of unique users for each site. This is similar to the following SQL query:
SELECT count(distinct(user_id)) FROM clicks GROUP BY site
We can model this situation using composite keys with a UserID prefix:
Counting Unique Users using Composite Keys
The idea is to keep all records for one user collocated, so it is possible to fetch such a frame into memory (one user can not produce too many events) and to eliminate site duplicates using hash table or whatever. An alternative technique is to have one entry for one user and append sites to this entry as events arrive. Nevertheless, entry modification is generally less efficient than entry insertion in the majority of implementations.
Applicability: Ordered Key-Value Stores, BigTable-style Databases
This technique is more a data processing pattern, rather than data modeling. Nevertheless, data models are also impacted by usage of this pattern. The main idea of this technique is to use an index to find data that meets a criteria, but aggregate data using original representation or full scans. Let’s consider an example. There are a number of log records with information about internet users and their visits from different sites (click stream). Let assume that each record contains user ID, categories this user belongs to (Men, Women, Bloggers, etc), city this user came from, and visited site. The goal is to describe the audience that meet some criteria (site, city, etc) in terms of unique users for each category that occurs in this audience (i.e. in the set of users that meet the criteria).
It is quite clear that a search of users that meet the criteria can be efficiently done using inverted indexes like {Category -> [user IDs]} or {Site -> [user IDs]}. Using such indexes, one can intersect or unify corresponding user IDs (this can be done very efficiently if user IDs are stored as sorted lists or bit sets) and obtain an audience. But describing an audience which is similar to an aggregation query like
SELECT count(distinct(user_id)) ... GROUP BY category
cannot be handled efficiently using an inverted index if the number of categories is big. To cope with this, one can build a direct index of the form {UserID -> [Categories]} and iterate over it in order to build a final report. This schema is depicted below:
Counting Unique Users using Inverse and Direct Indexes
And as a final note, we should take into account that random retrieval of records for each user ID in the audience can be inefficient. One can grapple with this problem by leveraging batch query processing. This means that some number of user sets can be precomputed (for different criteria) and then all reports for this batch of audiences can be computed in one full scan of direct or inverse index.
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, BigTable-style Databases, Document Databases
Trees or even arbitrary graphs (with the aid of denormalization) can be modeled as a single record or document.
Tree Aggregation
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases
Adjacency Lists are a straightforward way of graph modeling – each node is modeled as an independent record that contains arrays of direct ancestors or descendants. It allows one to search for nodes by identifiers of their parents or children and, of course, to traverse a graph by doing one hop per query. This approach is usually inefficient for getting an entire subtree for a given node, for deep or wide traversals.
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases
Materialized Paths is a technique that helps to avoid recursive traversals of tree-like structures. This technique can be considered as a kind of denormalization. The idea is to attribute each node by identifiers of all its parents or children, so that it is possible to determine all descendants or predecessors of the node without traversal:
Materialized Paths for eShop Category Hierarchy
This technique is especially helpful for Full Text Search Engines because it allows one to convert hierarchical structures into flat documents. One can see in the figure above that all products or subcategories within the Men’s Shoes category can be retrieved using a short query which is simply a category name.
Materialized Paths can be stored as a set of IDs or as a single string of concatenated IDs. The latter option allows one to search for nodes that meet a certain partial path criteria using regular expressions. This option is illustrated in the figure below (path includes node itself):
Query Materialized Paths using RegExp
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases, Search Engines
Nested sets is a standard technique for modeling tree-like structures. It is widely used in relational databases, but it is perfectly applicable to Key-Value Stores and Document Databases. The idea is to store the leafs of the tree in an array and to map each non-leaf node to a range of leafs using start and end indexes, as is shown in the figure below:
Modeling of eCommerce Catalog using Nested Sets
This structure is pretty efficient for immutable data because it has a small memory footprint and allows one to fetch all leafs for a given node without traversals. Nevertheless, inserts and updates are quite costly because the addition of one leaf causes an extensive update of indexes.
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases
Search Engines typically work with flat documents, i.e. each document is a flat list of fields and values. The goal of data modeling is to map business entities to plain documents and this can be challenging if the entities have a complex internal structure. One typical challenge mapping documents with a hierarchical structure, i.e. documents with nested documents inside. Let’s consider the following example:
Nested Documents Problem
Each business entity is some kind of resume. It contains a person’s name and a list of his or her skills with a skill level. An obvious way to model such an entity is to create a plain document with Skill and Level fields. This model allows one to search for a person by skill or by level, but queries that combine both fields are liable to result in false matches, as depicted in the figure above.
One way to overcome this issue was suggested in [4.6]. The main idea of this technique is to index each skill and corresponding level as a dedicated pair of fields Skill_i and Level_i, and to search for all these pairs simultaneously (where the number of OR-ed terms in a query is as high as the maximum number of skills for one person):
Nested Document Modeling using Numbered Field Names
This approach is not really scalable because query complexity grows rapidly as a function of the number of nested structures.
Applicability: Search Engines
The problem with nested documents can be solved using another technique that were also described in [4.6]. The idea is to use proximity queries that limit the acceptable distance between words in the document. In the figure below, all skills and levels are indexed in one field, namely, SkillAndLevel, and the query indicates that the words “Excellent” and “Poetry” should follow one another:
Nested Document Modeling using Proximity Queries
[4.3] describes a success story for this technique used on top of Solr.
Applicability: Search Engines
Graph databases like neo4j are exceptionally good for exploring the neighborhood of a given node or exploring relationships between two or a few nodes. Nevertheless, global processing of large graphs is not very efficient because general purpose graph databases do not scale well. Distributed graph processing can be done using MapReduce and the Message Passing pattern that was described, for example, in one of my previous articles. This approach makes Key-Value stores, Document databases, and BigTable-style databases suitable for processing large graphs.
Applicability: Key-Value Stores, Document Databases, BigTable-style Databases
Finally, I provide a list of useful links related to NoSQL data modeling:
With the announcement of release of Django 1.5 Rest Framework being a topic for discussion among the developers we thought to put some light over some of the biggest new features that you will get with this new release. For those who want to see the release notes you can do so here, Django 1.5B1 Release Notes
Following are some great features you will enjoy with this release:
Configurable User Model
The biggest change coming to Django 1.5 is the option to specify your own user model instead of having to use the one that’s been shipped with Django for the past 6 years. Before Django 1.5, applications that wanted to use Django’s auth framework (django.contrib.auth) had no other option but to use Django’s definition of a “user”. In Django 1.5 you will have the option to create your own User account and add any of the fields you want to (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, larger email field, etc…).
Python 3 Support
Django 1.5 also includes experimental Python 3 support. They suggest not using it in production yet due to the complexity involved in migrating applications from Python 2 to Python 3 and the lack of use so far in production environments. But not to worry as Django 1.6 will have full Python 3 support.
Saving a Subset of Model’s Fields
You can now supply an update_fields argument to .save() and the model will only update those fields instead of updating every field. This will help in high-concurrency operations and will improve performance.
For example, = ‘Adam’
obj.age = ’25’
(# This will only update the name field.)[‘name’])
{% verbatim %} template tag
Some Javascript template syntax conflicts with Django’s own templating syntax. Now you can wrap your code in {% verbatim %} {% endverbatim %} tags to ensure that Django won’t parse out the Javascript code.
404.html and 500.html are no longer required
Previously when setting up a new project you had to make sure you have 404.html and 500.html templates in your template directory or Django would throw an exception. Almost every beginner programmer to Django had this problem of including 400.html and 500.html templates in the template directory to avoid exception from Django. Not Anymore! Django provides defaults for these files if they aren’t there. But We suggest You to still create your own to provide a nicer look and more information but fianlly Django won’t throw exceptions if they aren’t there. That’s a relief!
Multi-Column Indexes
You can now enjoy using multi-column indexes if your database supports it. Use index_together = [‘field_1’, ‘field_2’] to create a multi-column index.
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE and .get_profile() are now obsolete with the new customizable User objects. If you still need to associate data with a User object, we would recommend you to have a OneToOne field from the Profile to the User model.
Simple json
Since Django 1.5 doesn’t support Python 2.5 and below, they can now rely on the json module that’s included with Python 2.6+. This may have certain unknown side-effects but for the most part that shouldn’t make any difference.
Drawing towards the conclusion Django 1.5’s ability to have configurable User models is a big win for the framework. You can download Django 1.5B1 here,
Download : Django 1.5B1
The heated competition between web browsers means that most users are now accessing the Internet from devices that support a range of cutting-edge W3C standards in a truly interoperable manner. This means that we can finally leverage powerful and flexible CSS functions to produce cleaner, more maintainable frontend code. Let’s have a look at some of the more exciting choices you may not even be aware of.
The attr() function dates back to the original CSS 2.1 specification, but is now available almost everywhere. This nifty mechanism allows you to use the value of an HTML attribute of the styled element, and can in many cases, remove the need for doing special processing in JavaScript.
To leverage this feature, you need three things: a CSS rule with a :before or :after pseudo-class, the .content property, and the attr() expression with the name of the HTML attribute you wish to use. For example, to display the data-prefix attribute of an <h3> heading, you might try the following code:
h3:before {
content: attr(data-prefix) ” “;
Of course, this example isn’t very useful, but illustrates the basic principle well. Let’s try something more useful, though: one great application of the attr() mechanism is to expand link URLs when the user prints out the document. To achieve this, you can try:
@media print {
a:after {
content: ” (link to ” attr(href) “) “;
Once you know about this trick, you will be surprised how often it will come handy in your work! Note: The CSS3 specification expands the meaning of attr() in several even more exciting ways, but these features are not yet universally supported in the browser world.
Another universally supported aspect of the CSS 2.1 specification is the counter() function, which makes it easy to automatically add numbers to page headings, sections, and other kinds of recurring elements on the page.
This is great for adding flexible and customizable numbering without having to resort to <ol>-based lists.
The best part is that this is really easy: simply specify a :before pseudo-class with a content property using a counter with your chosen name:
body {
counter-reset: heading;
h4:before {
counter-increment: heading;
content: “Heading #” counter(heading) “.”;
To learn more about resetting and incrementing counters, check out out the Mozilla Developer Network page on the topic. It also has a great example of nesting counters in creative ways.
Last but not least, let’s talk about the calc() function. This feature lets you perform simple mathematical calculations, for example to automatically calculate element dimensions without having to resort to non-maintainable JavaScript hacks. The mechanism supports all the basic arithmetic operators, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example, let’s say you want to create an element that occupies almost the entire width of its parent, but leaves a fixed number of pixels for a subsequent HTML container of some sort:
.parent { width: 100%; border: solid black 1px; position: relative; }
.child { position: absolute; left: 100px; width: calc(90% – 100px); background-color: #ff8; text-align: center; }
Brilliant, isn’t it? For more details, check out the W3C CSS calc specification yourself.
As should be apparent, CSS support has matured enough to the point that it can be used instead of scripting – and greatly simplify the life of web developers. It would be simply foolish not to start leveraging that!
Courtesy : Aptiverse
The new version of the IDE features code completion for HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS to make programming for mobile and Web apps easier
With the release of version 7.3 of NetBeans, Oracle has updated the IDE (integrated developer environment) so Java developers can more easily build rich HTML5-based user interfaces for their mobile and Web applications. NetBeans 7.3 “allows developers to use the same IDE [to compose in] HTML5 that they would use for building back-end services that their Web and mobile applications would connect to,” said Bill Pataky, Oracle vice president of product management of tools and frameworks. Increasingly, enterprise Java developers are using browsers as the primary interface for their applications, so it was a natural choice to expand the support for Web 2.0 technologies, Pataky said. The new version of the IDE, released Thursday, contains a number of new features to aid in writing HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) code. The IDE offers a full set of code completion capabilities for these technologies, allowing the IDE to intuitively suggest the remainder of a line of code that the developer is typing in.
The IDE also makes debugging Web interfaces easier. Oracle now offers a plug-in for the Google Chrome browser that can render a Web page as it is being composed by the developer in the IDE. This feature uses the WebKit remote debugging protocol. NetBeans 7.3 also comes with an entirely new JavaScript editor and debugger, one based on Oracle’s new Nashorn JavaScript engine. The IDE can offer code completion for the jQuery JavaScript library, and it can generate JavaScript code based on supplied Java REST (Representational State Transfer) requests. Beyond Web programming, NetBeans IDE 7.3 comes with a number of other improvements as well. JavaFX projects can now work with JavaFX’s FXML layout file format. And a new stand-alone JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) editor allows developers to test JPQL queries directly from the IDE. Developers have more access to the clipboard history and Breadcrumbs based navigation has been improved as well. NetBeans IDE is an open source IDE for Java, PHP and C/C++ languages. It is available for the Windows, Apple Macintosh, Oracle Solaris and Linux platforms.
Source: Info World